Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Biogas from generation to collection

Biogas is gas produced by decomposing organic matter (animal and vegetable waste, food waste etc) in the absence of oxygen. The main components of biogas are methane and site of carbon dioxide. Allows the use of methane from biogas as a fuel, as a renewable energy source. In developing countries, the biogas is used for cooking and heating. In developed countries, waste processing centers, the biogas is converted into electricity.
Biogas is produced and your naturally accumulate in areas where animal waste, plant and household waste (farms, landfills, wetlands) and is particularly dangerous if not collected or dispersed in the air, can explode at concentrations of 5-15%. Also the methane from biogas vital contribution to the greenhouse effect (methane's effect is about 20 times more potent than carbon dioxide).
Depending on the decomposition of compounds which produce biogas was methane's concentration varies between 50 and 75%. Methane from biogas can be compressed in the same manner as natural gas, in which case it is called biomethane. A biogas (biogas producing farms in the U.S. over a certain limit are required to collect it) can use natural gas distribution network in agreement with the network administrator. For this to be possible biogas has to be cleared in advance by carbon dioxide, water and other particles. Once compressed, the biogas can be used to power motor vehicles (a biogas powered train is already in operation in Sweden since 2005).

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