Monday, November 1, 2010

Biodiesel - diesel for vegetarians

Biodiesel is a fuel similar to diesel, but is not derived from petroleum but from vegetable oils and animal fats. Current diesel engines can use biodiesel fuel without requiring structural changes. Biodiesel can be used in 100% (B100) or can be mixed with diesel oil-based sites. Biodiesel is a fuel efficient in terms of CO2 emissions than the diesel-based oil.
Biodiesel has properties different from the dissolution of petroleum-based diesel fuels, which is why old engines of the building containing rubber hoses and gaskets can be degraded faster than when using regular diesel's. Newer engines are not affected by biodiesel, was replaced with FKM rubber. However, it is recommended to replace the engine oil filter to use petroleum-based diesel fuel before switching to biodiesel.
Among the advantages of biodiesel include better lubrication properties, growing life of the injectors. However the adoption of biodiesel is widely stubborn strikes carmakers. Biodiesel slowly enter the market but, more car models are certified to use biodiesel in various concentrations.
Using biodiesel is not limited to automobiles, is used and trains and planes. The pioneer in this case is billionaire Richard Branson, who has conducted tests with Virgin Voyager, the first train biodesel (concentration 20%) and Virgin Atlantic planes. The first demonstration flight took place on 24 February 2008, paving the way for more efficient flight environmental, demonstrating that biodiesel fuel is a very versatile, ready to fight global warming.

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