Friday, October 29, 2010

Polar bears have led us to court

Do you remember Fram, the polar bear from the circus who longed to return to his native lands of frosted pole? The frosted pole which had been separated from his mother killed by hunters? Well, the U.S. State submitted and approved a law that wants the polar bear a protected species. Polar bears became extinct due to global warming and the reduction of its natural habitat.
This news should be greeted with joy everywhere. But apparently that is not so. A lady named Sarah Palin, who is, incidentally or not, Alaska Governor, decided to give the U.S. government to court for adopting this law, because the polar bear hunt interdiction harms economic development of the area.
In other words, what we care about nature and animals. We are the dominant species, we decide. Hmmm ... this mentality reminds me of another country…

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